[vox-tech] proftpd

Rick Moen vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Tue, 19 Nov 2002 04:05:46 -0800

Forgot to mention:

Quoting Brian Lavender (brian@brie.com):

> I use wu-ftp.

Better you than me.  The codebase is riddled with buffer overflows still
waiting to happen.  I wouldn't touch it _or_ proftpd on a bet.

> Your system could still be vulnerable even with ssh. dsniff, ssl
> exploits...

Your system could be vulnerable even if you eliminate all remote
exploits and basically do everything right:


Cheers,        "Where I come from, there's nothing in the 'middle of the road'
Rick Moen       but a yellow line and dead armadillos."
rick@linuxmafia.com        -- Jim Hightower, Texas Commissioner of Agriculture