[vox-tech] digital camera recommendation?

nbs vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Wed, 26 Jun 2002 15:40:06 -0700

On Wed, Jun 19, 2002 at 09:25:43PM -0700, Henry House wrote:
> Can anyone recommend a digital camera for use with Linux? My goals (in no
> particular order):
> * Good image quality

YMMV. :)  More megapixels help, at least when you want GIANT resolution
(like, 1600x1200).  Check for good zoom, good indoor and outdoor capabilities,
and flash.  Also good if you can adjust exposure.

> * Uses compact flash (the little wafers, each as large as an air-mail stamp)

Those aren't compact flash.  CF are the big squarish ones.  (They also
come in micro-hard-drive flavors of up to 1GB, as well as other devices
like ethernet, modem, bluetooth, wireless, etc.)

The wafer ones are probably SmartMedia, like my Olympus D-620L uses.
They're practically thinner than a credit card, and a little bigger than
a postage stamp.

CF cards (type-I) are almost as thick as a pencil.  Type-2 are thicker.

Finally, SD cards are about 2/3rd as thick as a CF card, and a little
smaller than a SmartMedia card.

If I had all three of them, and a ruler handy, I'd measure them for you.
I can if you'd like, or I can just show them all to you at Tuesday's LUGOD.

> * Complete Linux compatibility with OSS drivers

Check PhotoPC and GPhoto for compatibility lists for cameras.
That's what lead me to my choice of the Olympus I got.

I'd like a smaller camera now, though... one I can stick in my pocket
(rather than wear like a giant Flava-Flave clock around my neck :^) )

> * Linux-friendly manufacturer

Good luck. :^/  HP maybe?  MAYBE?
