[vox-tech] Pardon me, but...

Peter Jay Salzman vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Mon, 17 Jun 2002 16:00:35 -0700

begin Mark K. Kim <markslist@cbreak.org> 
> On Mon, 17 Jun 2002, Richard S. Crawford wrote:
> > How does the whole windowing thing work?
> >
> > On my computer, I've got
> >
> > 	Linux which runs
> In Windows terms, Linux kernel would be equivalent to DOS (but more
> poweful).
i think this analogy is not correct for NT type operating systems, and
if i understand MS operating systems correctly, only slightly true for
95 type operating systems.

as i understand it, NT OS's don't have any DOS code in them, and 95 type
OS's share memory management and bits and pieces of various DOS code, but
are mostly self contained win32 kernels.

i'd think that the linux kernel has more in common with the win32 kernel
than with dos.  at least as far as memory management and hardware access
