[vox-tech] [web-dev] Setting website icons?

nbs vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Mon, 10 Jun 2002 13:34:08 -0700

On Mon, Jun 10, 2002 at 01:27:43PM -0700, Mark K. Kim wrote:

> I noticed a couple weeks ago when I was fiddling with an ICO editor
> program on Windows that Windows' ICO file contains several bitmaps for
> different colors and sizes (IIRC, 16x16, 32x32, 64x64, B&W, 16 colors, 256
> colors, in combinations)... kind of like Macintosh.  From Steven's
> article, it sounds like you need 16x16 size icons at 16 colors, and
> perhaps the ones on the above three sites are of wrong colors or sizes?

Ugh.  Well, screw IE (unless someone can fix and test the icons for me).
I don't have Windows, and therefore don't have access to IE.  (THANK GOD!)

The icons work perfectly under Konqueror. :)

Perhaps an upgrade from Win/IE to Linux/Konq is what everyone in the world
needs? :)

Anyone happen to know if any other 'favicon.ico'-supporting browsers
have problems?  (Does Moz support icons?)

> The editor I used is PC Magazine's IconEdit32 from Download.com.  That's
> IconEdit32 with "32" at the end, not the version without:
>    http://download.com.com/3000-2195-5929957.html?tag=lst-0-2
> (Needs Windows to run... maybe WINE will work with it?)

Bleh.  I don't even have WINE.  I'm 99.9% Microsoft free.
(I have their free TrueType fonts installed :^)  I do NOT have any MS mice
or keyboards, even)
