[vox-tech] first shot with parted

Peter Jay Salzman vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Fri, 26 Jul 2002 01:48:47 -0700

yeah, i've read about LVM (although i've never used it).

the problem here is that:

1. i didn't want to fdisk my hard drive into oblivion.  as i understand
   it, you need to change the partition type using fdisk, make the
   volumes and lay down a new filesystem.  i'd be surprised if you could
   make a disk into LVM volumes non-destructively (if you can, please
   tell me!)

2. satan is my main server.  using parted was a stretch for me, but i
   know a few people who have used it successfully.  it appears to have
   a great track record judging from google.  i don't know of anyone who
   uses LVM yet, and would rather play with it on lucifer, moloch,
   belial or mephisto before using it on satan.

   blowing away root and home (which contains all my physics research
   for the past 6 years), even though all that stuff is backed up, is
   too nerve wracking for me.   :)


begin Troy Arnold <troy-vox@zenux.net> 
> [ much adventure snipped ]
> Are you familiar with LVM (Logical Volume Manager)?  Brad Cox gave a nice
> presentation on LVM and RAID at an NBLUG meeting this year.  Basically, you
> assign your your storage (which may span multiple devices) into logical
> volumes and groups which become block devices on which you can create
> filesystems as you see fit.  The major nice thing is, the logical groups can
> easily be grown or otherwise resized.  Reiser filesystems have to be
> unmounted before growing, but i believe ext2/3 can be grown live.  To avoid
> talking out my ass, I'm not going to say anything else other than it appears
> to be an elegant, flexible way to manage diskspace.
> Here is a post i found while searching for a better explanation than
> what I could give off the top of my head:
> <http://groups.google.com/groups?hl=en&selm=kuhq49.mk.ln%40127.0.0.1>
> -troy

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