[vox-tech] ODE solvers in C
Peter Jay Salzman
Wed, 10 Jul 2002 14:08:39 -0700
begin Matt Holland <mdholland@ucdavis.edu>
> Thanks for the warning. I'll look into that. Hell, maybe I'll just
> learn Fortran, I know it can't be that hard... just antiquated and
> weird, no?
you'll be pleasantly surprised. f90/95 is extremely C like. in fact,
much of the language (i mean, literally language, not libraries) will
look and feel just like C code.
but with perks. suppose you have a grid that goes from -a to a.
instead of having an array going from 0 to 2a-1 (barf) or even worse,
an array with a dummy cell at 0 so it goes from 1 to 2a (double barf)
you can actually define arrays that are indexed from -a to a.
and fortran isn't as strongly typed as C. figuring out what math
function takes what type is just not much of an issue.
> >on using canned code...
> >
> >i didn't mention anything because i want to discourage using other
> >peoples' code (especially when you have no idea what a "good" answer
> >will look like ahead of time).
> I tend to differ with you there. If there's well-established code that
> solves a problem, and I can understand the interface to that code, I'm
> inclined to use it. The trouble comes when the code is poorly
> documented
this was the first step in my (admittedly extreme) position. nothing
was documented even nearly as well as i wanted it to be. even the C
stuff wasn't well documented. it was a very odd canned routine that had
a nice interface, well defined parameters and talked about what kinds of
problems the program was suited for.
plus, i initially had an aversion to learning fortran.
so i didn't start out with a good attitude. you have a much healthier
attitude than i had. :)
> hasn't been tested sufficiently. Unfortunately, those may both be
> problems when it comes to C libraries for numerics, because it seems
> like most people continue to use Fortran for those sorts of things. And
> the old tried and true code is probably much better than anything I
> could write with out changing my area of specialization.
don't sell yourself short. you're a scientist. with the right
attitude, a scientist is like a jedi. we can do anything with the right
frame of mind and a good work ethic. it's a noble profession; anyone
who's made it this far can do anything he/she sets the mind to. :)
obi-wan pete