[vox-tech] GIMP and 8-bit GIFs

Alexandra Thorn vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Mon, 1 Jul 2002 14:34:14 -0700 (PDT)

> Also, you can use NetPBM like so:
>   pngtopnm SOME.PNG | pnmquant -fs 256 | ppmtogif > SOME.GIF
> Where "pnmquant -fs 256" makes a Floyd-Steinberg dithered image of 256 colors.
> You can also use palettes and other good stuff here, too.  (I believe the
> format of the "palette" file you can use with 'pnmquant' is simply
> some .PPM file.)

Yay!  The above worked! :)  For some reason the convert command that Henry
didn't seem to do quite the right thing.  Anyway, the program seems to be
happy now.  Thank you Henry and Bill!
