[vox-tech] Sound Trouble with trident module

David Margolis vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Sun, 30 Jun 2002 16:13:18 -0700 (PDT)


I've read that this isn't the most secure way to do this, but I don't know
why sound would necessarly be a security issue (anyone out there pipe in
if you have an opinion on this)...

chmod 666 /dev/dsp*
chmod 666 /dev/audio*
chmod 666 /dev/mixer*

also, for convenience of playing audio cds
chmod 666 /dev/cdrom* (this one is probably a bad idea if you ever intend
to have priate files on a cdrom).

The other method for dealing with giving sound to users was only
slightly more involved and I believe it had to do with creating a group that had ownership to
these devices and adding appropriate users to this group.


On Sun, 30 Jun 2002, Rusty Minden wrote:

> I have compiled the trident module and as root it works sound is fine, but as
> a user it will not work. It has to be a permission thing or perhaps a group
> membership, but I am not sure.
> ALi Sound Card (tridentt.o module)
> I noticed that the /dev/aidio has owner root and group audio should I add
> myself to the group?
> Rusty
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