[vox-tech] gimp question

nbs vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Wed, 23 Jan 2002 11:45:35 -0800

On Wed, Jan 23, 2002 at 11:39:45AM -0800, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
> is there a way to define a short cut or macro with gimp?
> i use the "enhance filter" alot, for when i resize pictures.  is there a
> way to map, say, control-E to this filter?

Open the menu with that command, place the mouse over it, and press
the key combo. you want mapped to it.  You'll see the menu change,
right before your eyes! :)

This is a fairly standard GTK-ism, by the way.

Another thing you can do is pop the menu open into its own window.

Get to the menu you want and then click the little dashed line which
appears at the top of the menu.

Voila!  The menu will appear in it's own real window, which will remain
open until you specifically close it (either with a window manager close
(eg, the "X" button at the top left or top right, depending on the
manager and theme chosen), or click the dashed line at the top of the
menu in its window).

> also, is there a way to make gimp show more of the image when you're
> using the enhance filter?  it shows a very small portion.  hard to
> believe anyone would find the little tiny portion of the upper left hand
> corner useful when figuring out how much to sharpen the image by.

Sharpen, for example, doesn't appear to have any way to 'zoom out'...
you're stuck previewing your enhancement at a 1:1 (100%) zoom.

But, there ARE scrollbars, so you'll be able to pan around and see
what various pars of the image will look like.

I do admit it is quite silly that, while you CAN resize the "Sharpen"
dialog window, the preview doesn't expand to fit. >:^(
