[vox-tech] Chicago?

vox-tech@lists.lugod.org vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
18 Jan 2002 09:14:51 -0800

On Thu, 17 January 2002, "Jay Strauss" wrote:
> I'm still debating the build vs. buy.  But I have done some research and
> think if I build I'll get a Athlon 1500 (fast and cheap).  Now I've only got
> about 85 motherboards to look over.

If you are trying to understand computers, nothing helps like a little hands on.
> I tried star office a year ago, didn't like a number of things, maybe it's
> gotten better, at the time Netscape and monzilla sucked, didn't try Opera, I
> never tried Koffice, I was luke warm on gnumeric, going to look at
> Evolution, own vmware (but realized I do one thing on the server, I run
> xterm (from there I vim and admin), the rest of the time I'm using
> Office,IE,Outlook so why not use them natively and get eXceed), maybe I'll
> have to learn DocBook/XML/Tex/LaTex (someday, right now I'm climbing the
> Java hill, going thru the Sun tutorials, I know I'll just stop sleeping)

There are some less bloated X Window software than Exceed.  X-Win comes to mind. http://www.x-win.com/
The other is to install the cygwin toolset and then install X-Free on Cygwin.  I got it going nicely on a former work system.  (That methods free).
> I live in Chicago so can't do the face to face (though the thought of 3hr
> lines at O'hare, strip searches, gate delays, and the 4.5 hr flight is very
> attractive).

Out of curiousity, if you are in Chicago, how did you come to join a LUG list in California?


ps- I'll bet Suset Systems ships orders too.  ;)