[vox-tech] stable web browser?!?

Gabriel Rosa vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Tue, 15 Jan 2002 20:16:50 -0800 (PST)

On Tue, 15 Jan 2002, Holland, Matt wrote:

> Hey all,
> After spending the last hour killing and restarting Netscape, then Mozilla,
> I find myself longing for a stable web browser.  Does such an animal exist?
> If so, I'd like to know about it.  Even a version of Netscape or Mozilla
> that seems to be magically stable would do the job; I'm currently using
> Netscape 4.76-11 and Mozilla 0.7-15 (the versions distributed with RH 7.1).
> I tried Amaya, and my general reaction was "damn this thing is ugly, and who
> the hell wants a WYSIWYG HTML editor anyway?"
> Opinions?

Mozilla 0.9.5 is rock solid for me. The speed isn't too shabby either,
although you'll most likely notice a slowdown compared to opera or

Mozilla 0.9.6 had some issues, so i never used it.

Mozilla 0.9.7 has JS issues, and some memory leaks, but is otherwise
very nice. I'm thinking 0.9.8 is gonna rock if they fix those issues.

I use mozila exclusivelly now. The nice is that you can also use netscape
plugins. Make sure you either build an optimized, non-debug version -- or
if you're into running other people's binaries, make sure you get an
optimized, non-debug version :) (or else it'll be slow, and you'll get a
wrong impression)
