[vox-tech] linux console

Michael Long vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Fri, 11 Jan 2002 08:21:39 -0800

my first post to this list...

I've got a couple of linux boxes I need to be able to access from their
serial ports. There is no keyboard, mouse, our monitor connected to them
so I need the console display output to the serial. It's been awhile
since I've done this so I read
but the problem is that these boxes have redhat 7.2 and it looks like
they don't use lilo.conf? There is a file called /etc/lilo.conf.anaconda
but when I run /sbin/lilo it looks for /etc/lilo.conf. From doing google
searches renaming the .anaconda file to just lilo.conf doesn't cut it. I
have a feeling it has something to do with redhat's new "grub" which is
supposed to be a better boot loader but I'm not familiar with it. Anyone
have any tips to get redhat 7.2 display it's console to a serial

