[vox-tech] Anyone have experience with Windows XP & Linux on a Laptop?

Geoffrey Herteg vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Tue, 10 Dec 2002 22:22:18 -0800


Yep, my corporate lappy-top was dual-booted XP and Debian Woody prior to
the lame BIOS password turning it into a brick (with no recovery option,
per IBM's goal to make it 'theft-proof').

Just install XP first, then Linux.  Make sure to tell LILO or Grub about
the NTFS (you *did* use NTFS, right?) partition and it should boot fine
(at least, it does on my T20 and did on the 570E).

Hope this helps a little.  I'm sure we can suggest HOWTOs if needs be.

- Geoff, lost in the Pacific Northwest without his map...

begin  Larry Ozeran quotation:
> Hi all --
> I want to create a demonstration system for speech recognition (dictation)
> and open source medical office software. I need Dragon Dictate, which
> requires Windows 2000 or XP, more than 256 MB RAM, and at least 800 Mhz
> CPU. (ViaVoice for Linux is simply inadequate.) What I have read recently
> suggests Linux and XP can coexist peacefully. However, I seem to recall
> hearing that there can be problems dual booting with Windows XP, e.g. XP
> must be installed first. Does anyone know of any gotchas to be aware of
> when deciding which laptop to buy?
> Thanks.
> -- Larry
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Geoffrey M. Herteg     | I figure we demand some weird stuff so that
gherteg@herteg.net     | later we can plead insanity. -- Airheads
http://www.herteg.net  | 