[vox-tech] buying a laptop

Karsten M. Self vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Mon, 2 Dec 2002 00:38:52 +0000

on Wed, Nov 27, 2002 at 04:14:12PM -0800, Andrew Stein (a_h_stein@yahoo.com) wrote:
> any place that sells linux/windows dual boot high end
> laptops?

QLITech runs a solid business, and aquired the TuxTops line:


I've had experience with the N20U, sold as the Amethyst by TuxTops, and
the King (?) by QLITech.  This is also available from Chembook.

My general suggestion would be to find a good, solid, supported (from a
hardware perspective) system.  Note that moste manufacturers have both a
consumer and a business line, with business costing far more.  What
you're buying is a far more robust machine though, in most cases.

I'd also suggest doing a roll-your-own configuration. I've never been
happy with an out-of-the-box Linux installation, I prefer my own

If the new hardware market looks too pricy, take a look at the
second-hand market, eBay, etc.  There's some nice stuff out there at
decent prices.  Anything at 600 MHz, 256 MB, and up, should be more than
sufficient, and that's 2 year old hardware.


Karsten M. Self <kmself@ix.netcom.com>        http://kmself.home.netcom.com/
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