[vox-tech] vim syntax highlighting

Peter Jay Salzman vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Fri, 30 Aug 2002 14:32:52 -0700

----- Forwarded message from Andy Wergedal <awerg@saclug.com> -----

Date: Wed, 28 Aug 2002 15:49:22 -0700
From: Andy Wergedal <awerg@saclug.com>
To: p@dirac.org
Subject: vim syntax highlighting


I would like to make a very simple syntax file for vim so I could use it
for my personal journal.

All I want to do is highlight the individual line in a color based on
the first character of the line.

black background
* red
- Blue
-- green
spaces or alpha characters would be the default font color.

Where should I go to get this information?

-- Andy

----- End forwarded message -----

hi andy,

i'm forwarding this to vox-tech.  i wrote "andy.vim" just now.  here it

" ====================================  CUT HERE  ========
" andy.vim
" see mike's reply to my vim question on august 30 for info
" about where to put it.  you can also put it in "." and
" simply type "source andy.vim".
" see "help highlight" for more information about colors.
" ========================================================

""" This is the real way of doing things:
" if version < 600
"  syntax clear
" elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
"  finish
" endif

""" But let's keep things simple for now.
syntax clear

""" Case insensitive
" syntax case ignore
""" Case sensitive
syntax case match

" Define color names
highlight Black    ctermfg=0  guifg=black
" highlight Black    ctermfg=black  guifg=black
highlight Red      ctermfg=1  guifg=red
" highlight Red      ctermfg=red  guifg=red
highlight Green    ctermfg=2  guifg=green
" highlight Green    ctermfg=green  guifg=green
highlight Yellow   ctermfg=3  guifg=yellow
" highlight Yellow   ctermfg=yellow  guifg=yellow
highlight Blue     ctermfg=4  guifg=blue
" highlight Blue     ctermfg=blue  guifg=blue
highlight Magenta  ctermfg=5  guifg=magenta
" highlight Magenta  ctermfg=magenta  guifg=magenta
highlight Cyan     ctermfg=6  guifg=cyan
" highlight Cyan     ctermfg=cyan  guifg=cyan
highlight White    ctermfg=7  guifg=white
" highlight White    ctermfg=white  guifg=white

" Define words (aRed) to match syntax within document (/^r .*$/).
syntax match aRed        /^r .*$/
syntax match aBlue       /^b .*$/
syntax match aGreen      /^g .*$/
syntax match aYellow     /^y .*$/

" Now define colors for the words.
highlight link aRed        Red
highlight link aBlue       Blue
highlight link aGreen      green
highlight link aYellow     yellow
" ====================================  CUT HERE  ========

here is an example file you can use this for:

r I shot an arrow into the air,
b If fell to earth, i knew not where;
y For, so swiftly it few, the site
g Could not follow it in its flight.

after typing :source andy.vim, the lines will be red, blue, yellow and
green respectively.

you'll definitely want to tweak this for other things too.  you can have
"bold" or "standout"  and "dark/light" choices.   the vim book by steve
oullaine(sp?) and :help highlight are good resources.


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