[vox-tech] Suddenly the Dungeon collapses
Peter Jay Salzman
Thu, 8 Aug 2002 16:55:04 -0700
p@satan% strings /usr/bin/screen | grep -i collapse
Suddenly the Dungeon collapses!! - You die...
in the screen sourcecode, look at attacher.c:
#if defined(DEBUG) || !defined(DO_NOT_POLL_MASTER)
if (AttacherPanic)
fcntl(0, F_SETFL, 0);
SetTTY(0, &attach_Mode);
printf("\nSuddenly the Dungeon collapses!! - You die...\n");
it's a reference to rogue (and nethack and angband and zangband and...).
begin GNU Linux <gnulinux@rosecomputing.com>
> Wrote a simple little 'c' program to find duplicate md5 sums. The
> program was cpu and disk intensive. I monitored the program periodically
> and make sure I had enough i-nodes and disk space, memory, etc.
> Everything was okay other than a very high cpu usage.
> After about a half hour the program stopped. Actually ALL my personal
> processes stopped.
> Instead of the elusive md5 dupe the system left behind these words:
> "suddenly the Dungeon collapses!! -You die..."
> Uh, can someone explain to me this technical term?
> --
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