[vox-tech] anyone have debain woody installation cds?

Peter Jay Salzman vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Mon, 5 Aug 2002 16:54:24 -0700

the lugod library has a set of woody disks available.  email
librarian@lugod.org (or perhaps library@lugod.org.  can never remember
which one).

let me also say that buying a set of disks has merit.  when you purchase
them, a portion of the money goes to the debian project.   we don't get
much for free in this life, so debian is pretty unique.  donations to
debian today helps makes sure that a high quality debian is around for
you tomorrow.

just a thought.

pete (working on the library database...)

begin Jared Duncan <bitterangelmusic@yahoo.com> 
> Hi-
> I was just wondering if anyone out there has
> any installation cds for debian woody.  I am
> looking to switch from red hat, and don't want
> to have to order the cds which comes waiting
> (and paying).  So if anyone has these cds that
> I can borrow, please email me.  super sweet.
> thanks,
> Jared

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