[vox-tech] vncserver as user

David Margolis vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Fri, 2 Aug 2002 21:26:16 -0700 (PDT)

i can run vncserver as root no problem.  i'm missing some permission/xauth
detail somewhere as i can't run the server as a user (which seems like a
better idea than running as root...

anyway, i know there are some people here with vnc experience so it's
probabaly an easy one.

here's the (hopefully) relavent line from my log file:

_X11TransSocketINETConnect: Can't connect: errno = 105
/usr/local/bin/wmaker fatal error: could not open display "optimus:1"

searching google for various parts of these errors hasn't helped except to
tell me that people who speak other languages have seen it and that people
who post to random forums never get responded to :>

note: i can run x directly on this box as the user in question
