[vox-tech] simple X86 question

Mark K. Kim vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Thu, 1 Aug 2002 22:24:16 -0700 (PDT)

On Thu, 1 Aug 2002, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:

> begin Andy Campbell <atcampbell@ucdavis.edu>
> > that's the only maneuver I did know, but a) it didn't work and instead
> > restarted the machine and
> it *definitely* shouldn't have.   are you absolutely, positively *sure*
> you hit control-alt-backspace and NOT control-alt-delete?  the latter
> will restart the machine.  the former will kill X.

X restarting could be perceived as Linux restarting, I suppose.

> > b) i've read that it does not cleanly exit from the X server anyway so it
> > shouldn't be routinely used
> absolutely not.  whoever told you that is just wrong.

Not all programs die gracefully.  Start up some programs,
ctrl-alt-backspace, then check /tmp.  I guess it depends on the system,
but I get several named pipes and lock files lying around.


Mark K. Kim
PGP key available upon request.