[vox-tech] Lugod Demo Computer Software suggestions?

vox-tech@lists.lugod.org vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Thu, 25 Apr 2002 16:03:10 -0400

  People interested showing at the demo or who have some favorite pet
applications should speak-up now with what other applications should
be installed.

from an applicable legal disclaimer I've seen recently (quantum.com)
This file contains certain forward-looking statements. Actual results may
differ materially from the forward-looking statements contained herein.

- Overview.
- Installed Debian package list.  *
- Pruned kernel config.            *

*: I was going to include the last two but that increases the size of the
message by about 70k, so I'll probably just send it to Bill and post
the URL.


Major installed packages include:
- X11 4.1, Gnome, KDE,
- Abiword, Gnumeric, Koffice, Openoffice,
- Mozilla, Konqueror, lynx, links
- Most of the development tool chain:
  C, C++, Perl, Python,
- Many games:
  nethack, tuxracer, defendguin, gemdropx, etc... ;)
  the Loki demo archive... :{

  Machine is running kernel 2.4.18, it has the following module
packs: alsa, i2c-sensors, lm-sensors.  The kernel and module packs
are compiled into Debian packages in apt-getable /home/debian/local.

  There is a local debian mirror of woody in /home/debian/mirror.
The machine is configured to apt-get from it's own mirror.  The
mirror is updated every 24 hours via cron.

  All three of the major X windows login systems are installed:
gdm, xdm, kdm.  They are setup to start at boot on consoles
2, 3, 4.  Once the graphics settle the machine should be at the
gdm login banner.  Text consoles are running on 1,5-12.