[vox-tech] Running Cygwin Remotely...?

Richard S. Crawford vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Thu, 18 Apr 2002 21:01:15 -0700

On Thu, 2002-04-18 at 20:24, Stephen M. Helms wrote:
> Ok, so you love Cygwin and you admit to it freely in a linux mail list. 
>  Here is a tip for you then,  install the Xfree86 component of Cygwin 
> (if you have not already) so that you can run X applications.  Then 
> setup a .bat file (or can be a .cmd for NT, 2K or XP) that will launch 
> your X environment just the way you like it.  Now, you can setup the 
> shell=cygwin.bat option in win.ini (win95,98) or registry on other 
> versions.  Then next time you logon to Windows you well get X instead of 
> explorer.

Oh, dear, I hope I haven't committed a major faux pas.  Heh.

I'll probably install the Xfree86 component on my win98 computer at
home... but since my wife and I share that computer and it needs to be
usable to her as well as to me, I will leave Explorer on it by default. 
My own computer runs Linux almost exclusively, except when we need a
Windows program that her computer and the shared computer can't run for
some reason (not fast enough, not enough memory, etc.).

The computer I have at work...  Alas, it's a clerical job that I have
now (I lost my development job with the dot-decay, and was unable to
find another one), and my Windows 98 computer there needs to be usable
by my boss, by co-workers, by the IT people at the office, and so on, so
having it run X under Cygwin is probably pushing it.  I'm sure I'd
already be in trouble if they found I was running Cygwin.  ;-)  I like
to think of Cygwin as the Unix I get to use when I'm stuck with Windows.

At any rate... that's why I was asking about logging into Cygwin
remotely.  :-D

Richard S. Crawford

mailto:rscrawford@mossroot.com		http://www.mossroot.com
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