[vox-tech] Talks, mentoring, etc...

Stephen M. Helms vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Thu, 18 Apr 2002 20:29:14 -0700

Well, I talked with Jennifer and she is alright with me having people 
over to the house a couple of times a month.  So, I am willing to host a 
small group (3-5) for cooperative study or mentoring.  Is anyone 
interested?  If so, let me know what days/times would be good.  Also, we 
need to discuss a topic.  I for one would love to learn even more about 
debian package management system, both how to make a package and how to 
setup a debian mirror or partial mirror (apt-move and apt-proxy I 
believe).  I should have a system with enough disk space now.

msimons@moria.simons-clan.com wrote:

>begin Stephen M. Helms <Mytho_X@pacbell.net>
>>Maybe we could even have a group mentoring project?
>  Sounds good.  What format were you thinking of?
>  As Pete said it's always a problem finding people who
>who have time and interest in doing the organization or prep work.  
>Finding bodies to come to things is easy.  If no one from lugod wants 
>to show there is always the CS Club... ;)
>  I've been thinking about trying to put together a hacking party,
>or some sort of local hacking group.  Basically people meet and 
>work on some coding/debugging project for a few hours...  but I don't
>think I'd be able to interest enough skilled people to put in effort 
>in organizing.  Some of the formats I was thinking about would support 
>little mentor sessions before and during.
>On Friday 12 April 2002 10:29 am, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
>>i think this was the point of the 10-20 minute talk thing i wanted to do
>>at lugod meetings.  we had a few of them.
>  I agree the mini-talks are good... easy to find something to talk about
>for 10 minutes, easy to prepare, doesn't bore people to death if they are
>not interested but it only lasts a short while.
>  A few weeks back I asked Bill to give a short 10 minute demo of the mmap 
>interprocess communication and process state freeze/thaw stuff I did at 
>your place a few weeks back.  A few people may be very interested in
>using it, some may find it interesting to hear about, the others the
>material would go way over or wouldn't care (not applicable to them).  
>  Since seti@Home was being presented, Bill suggested doing it at the 
>next meeting instead (I'm glad I didn't cut into the Seti@Home time,
>very interesting talk).
>  The last meeting being April 15th was bad, scheduling that day is always 
>complex (when I owe I wait till the last day to mail, and sometimes 
>things get complex, the last two years I've found myself walking past 
>hundred of stopped cars in West Sac a few minutes before midnight :).
>  So I'm very glad I didn't try to demo last meeting too, but would like 
>to give a quick demo of the mmap stuff... maybe at the next meeting.
>Other mini-talks subjects I'd be interested in covering that come
>to mind right now are:
>  - mmap IPC, realtime monitoring, and freeze/thaw of running program.
>  - Debian packaging system short tricks (dpkg -L/-S, ac search/show, 
>    ag -yu/update/upgrade, zgrep Contents, debsums)
>  - netselect (and netselect-apt).
>  - Debian reportbug
>  - how to locally mirror Debian...
>  - Fun With Poll (how to have a single process serve thousands).
>>i can give a 10 minute talk on marks and registers in vi which would be
>>a nice complement to verbus's presentation.  i can also give a 10 minute
>>talk on using strace, although mike would be more suited for this.
>  I thought I gave a talk to lugod about strace already, a good while 
>back.  If there is still interest I've certainly done a few more bizarre 
>things with it since then, which I can only explain.  (Can not demonstrate 
>because I don't have access to the code to do a demonstration anymore and 
>it would take motivation to recreate something that complex right now).  
>the cream of the pile:
>  - real-time generation of transaction server logs from strace output.
>  - millisecond timing of message flows in Oracle database servers.
>(those might fit in 10 mins, no more than 15).
>  or I could just cover strace's main useful purposes... figure out
>what a program is doing.
>On Sat, Apr 13, 2002 at 12:01:22PM -0700, Rusty Minden wrote:
>>I have an interest in mentoring both to mentor and be mentored.
>>My questions would be:
>>1	Who is interested.
>>2	When would you like to meet.
>>3	[...] interest paths
>>4	What are the limits. 
>>5	[...] you should be expected to mentor another. 
>1 - interested in both.  
>2 - some weekend day, maybe as much as twice a month.  
>3 - many.  really want an overview of packages that fit a category 
>    (strengths and weaknesses) rather than in-depth material
>    on one option.  This is because it's normally not hard finding docs
>    and learning a particular app once you know it does what you want and 
>    it's best in class (so you don't waste time).
>4 - What I would recommend is any questions are free game at the talk
>    or during discussion after the talk.  Then after the session breaks
>    up only questions via public mailing lists (unless you are being paid
>    or want to).
>5 - I agree the objective is good... continued flow of knowledge, but
>    it's hard to arrange.  Many people who want to learn things don't know
>    something well enough to be of interest to others... and I think most
>    people don't learn something well enough to be able to teach others
>    until they use it for a while.
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