[vox-tech] Floppy Drive Won't Mount

Peter Jay Salzman vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Mon, 8 Apr 2002 10:54:29 -0700

hi david,

every request for help needs to have:

1. a summary of the problem
2. what you typed or did
3. what the response was.  verbatim.
4. how you tried to fix the problem

how did you try to mount the floppy disk?  in other words, what did you
type?  it makes a difference whether you did "mount /mnt/floppy" or
"mount -t whatever /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy".

did you try to do this as a user or as root?

how did you try to fix this problem?

is "id0" a typo?   did it say "fd0"?   if it's not a typo, make sure
your /etc/fstab has an entry which looks like

/dev/fd0        /floppy     auto     defaults,user,noauto,exec    0      0


begin DavidCraig@pia.ca.gov <DavidCraig@pia.ca.gov> 
> I am running Mandrake 8.2 and had it installed by LERT.  I am unable to get
> it to read the floppy disk drive.  Each time I try I get this message:
>      mount:/dev/id0;unknown device
> Any help would be appreciated.
> D. H. Craig, CSM
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