[vox-tech] spam reduction numbers from open relay blocking
Ted Deppner
Fri, 14 Dec 2001 12:19:42 -0800
Once MAPS started charging, Psyberware stopped using them and doesn't use
anything now (as far as I can tell).
After a while of way too much spam coming in, I took a RBL checker script
from someone else and hacked it to be a procmail recipe. I have the
script add a X-RBL header, then a later procmail recipe send the mail to
=junkmail folder. I also manually save all junkmail to =junkmail when I
find it (my main box, on email lists, etc).
Thus... some real world numbers... From Oct 19 to present (when I put in
this X-RBL checking).
987 junk emails received total
497 open-relay related
Thus, I've seen nearly a 50% reduction just by having an open-relay block
Ted Deppner