[vox-tech] muttrc

Peter Jay Salzman vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Tue, 11 Dec 2001 10:38:55 -0800

begin Gabriel Rosa <grosa@ucdavis.edu> 
> Hey guys,
> any chance you mutt users could share their muttrc's?
> I'm falling in love with mutt, and I'm wondering what
> people tend to tweak.

ok, you asked for it.    ;)   a couple of notes:

1. color is nice in theory.   i hate it in practise.  color and graphics just
   confuse the heck out of me.  except for imps, nazis, stroggs, d'sparil,
	and bitterman.  no confusion there.  i shoot to kill.   ;)
2. my file is designed to make me feel at home -- key bindings are chosen to
   make it feel like vim and lynx (eg using the arrow keys to navigate mail

3. i have a nice macro for spamcop.  from the index or pager, i just need to
   press ^f and the spam is automagically sent to spamcop with mime_forward
	turned on, full headers and no editing.   i'm working on a procmail recipe
	that automatically replies to spamcop replies.

4. it was cool seeing other people's muttrc.  i borrowed some of ted's
   settings.  :)   i fully encourage others to share these files!

5. if anyone can figure out or explain anything that says "mystery" i would
   be appreciative.


# Peter's muttrc settings #

# Header weeding
ignore *
unignore from date subject to cc
unignore organization organisation x-mailer: x-newsreader: x-mailing-list:
unignore posted-to:

set mbox = ~/Mail/read
set postponed = ~/Mail/postponed

# Other Me's
# a mystery: a literal '.' doesn't seem to need quoting
set alternates=(p@belial.ucdavis.edu|root@lugod.org|(p|)salzman@.*.ucdavis.edu)

# Fixme: add timezone
set date_format = "%a %d %b %y, %l:%M %p" # ie: Sun 03 Dec 00, 05:46 PM

# Sending options
set save_name
set record = ~/Mail/sent-mail
set mime_forward = no            # Standard is yes, but it's annoying.
# PGP options
set pgp_verify_sig = yes
set pgp_timeout    = 300
set pgp_replyencrypt = yes       # Encrypt msgs that came encrypted
set pgp_autosign   = yes         # PGP sign every email I send by default
set nosave_empty                 # Delete empty mailbox files
set abort_nosubject = no         # Send mail even if I don't have a subject
set abort_unmodified = no        # Let me send email with unmodified contents
unset metoo                      # don't reply to myself in group replies!
set edit_headers = no            # Edit headers along with message
set delete=yes                   # Don't confirm deletions
set mark_old = no                # Treat old unread msgs as new msgs
set attribution="begin %n <%a> " # Attributions for quoted stuff
set nowait_key                   # Don't prompt after shell commands
set beep = no                    # Surpresses all beeps
set beep_new = yes               # Beep when new mail arrives
unset ascii_chars                # Use ASC characs to display threads
set autoedit = no                # Skip initial send-menu; immediate editing
set pager_stop = yes             # Don't be quick to move to the next message
set fast_reply = yes             # Skip recip list/sbjct in replies and forwards
set editor = '/usr/bin/vim'      # Which editor to use?
set copy                         # Make a copy of all mail I send
set move = no                    # Don't move my mail to the read folder
set save_empty = no              # If a folder becomes empty, delete it
unset askcc                      # Don't ask for a Cc: when composing email
set signature = "~/.sig"         # Signature file
set strict_threads = yes         # Threads by headers instead of subject
set include=yes                  # Always include the msg in the reply
set quit = ask-yes               # Ask before quitting
set realname="Peter Jay Salzman" # Set my name
set print = yes                  # Don't ask for print confirmation
set print_cmd = "lpr"            # How should we print?

###########    Bindings Designed For Vim Users    ############

# Generic Bindings:
# The generic menu is not a real menu, but specifies common functions, like
# movement, available in all menus except for pager and editor.
bind generic 1G     first-entry
bind generic 1g     first-entry
bind generic <home> first-entry
bind generic G      last-entry

# Index Bindings
# When you're in the message index.
bind index B       bounce-message
bind index <esc>f  forget-passphrase
bind index <up>    previous-entry
bind index <down>  next-entry
bind index <right> display-message
bind index <home>  first-entry
bind index 1G      first-entry
bind index 1g      first-entry
bind index <end>   last-entry
bind index G       last-entry
bind index g       last-entry
bind index @       create-alias

# index macros:  When we're in the message index.
# Left arrow from the index will get us back to the mainbox, eg. lynx.
macro index <left> "<change-folder>!\n" "Change to mail spool"
# Pressing control f sends the email to spam cop
macro index \Cf "<display-toggle-weed><forward-message>foo@spam.spamcop.net\n"

# Pager Bindings:  When we're reading an email.
bind pager <up>   previous-line
bind pager <down> next-line
bind pager B      bounce-message
bind pager <home> top
bind pager 1G     top
bind pager 1g     top
bind pager <end>  bottom
bind pager G      bottom
bind pager g      bottom
bind pager q      quit
bind pager <left> exit
bind pager %      print-message
bind pager r      group-reply
bind pager @      create-alias
# Pressing control f sends the email to spam cop
macro index \Cf "<display-toggle-weed><forward-message>foo@spam.spamcop.net\n"

# Sendhooks

# First set defaults
send-hook . set editor='/usr/bin/vim'
send-hook . unset mime_forward
send-hook . set pgp_autosign=no
send-hook . unmy_hdr From:
send-hook . unmy_hdr Subject:
send-hook . unmy_hdr Fcc:

# Don't autosign email going to the sabmag mailing list.  Those Windows
# fools get their panties in a bunch about the "pgp virus".   *sigh*
	"set pgp_autosign=no"

# Automatically send spam to spamcop with no keystrokes.
# mystery:  The subject isn't being set.   Why?!?
send-hook 'submit.ZZjtP1ORLykFQnBq@spam.spamcop.net' \
	'set mime_forward ; set pgp_autosign=no ; set editor=/bin/true ; \
	my_hdr Fcc: /dev/null ; my_hdr From: p@dirac.org ; my_hdr Subject: spam ; \
	push y'

# Lists ("lists" is synonymous with "subscribe")
lists 'vox@lists.lugod.org vox-tech@lists.lugod.org'
lists 'vox-announce@lists.lugod.org gtk-app-devel-list@gnome.org'
lists 'vim@vim.org clpm@lists.eyrie.org debian-user@lists.debian.org'
lists 'bug-ncurses@gnu.org wine-users@winehq.com gphoto-devel@gphoto.net'
lists 'mutt-users@mutt.org agenda-user@lists.agendacomputing.com'

# Color
# nice in theory.  ugly in practise.
# color index     brightwhite  black  '~p'    # mail to myself
# color index     brightblack  black  '~D'    # deleted e-mail

# Aliases
source /home/p/.muttaliases

PGP Fingerprint: B9F1 6CF3 47C4 7CD8 D33E  70A9 A3B9 1945 67EA 951D
PGP Public Key:  finger p@dirac.org