[vox-tech] X login screen

Peter Jay Salzman vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Tue, 4 Dec 2001 13:30:58 -0800

begin: Jay Strauss <jjstrauss@yahoo.com> quote
> Sorry for the inane (I know this question has been asked before),
then why in the world didn't you check the vox-tech archives?    *sigh*

> 1) how do I make it so I get the console login screen (for some reason I
> thought I change the run
> level (but that didn't work)).

apt-get remove xdm

or /etc/rc2.d/S99xdm /etc/rc2.d/s99xdm

> 2) What did I select during the installation that configured it so that I'd
> get an X login screen
you selected X.  i think xdm gets started be default.

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