[vox-outreach] SFD Materials

Alex Mandel tech_dev at wildintellect.com
Tue Sep 16 23:58:32 PDT 2008

Status check on materials for the event on Saturday:
I am recommending that we concentrate on burning more copies of:
 * http://www.theopendisc.com - Edu version : For people less familiar
with computers.
 * http://www.ttcsweb.org/osswin-cd/ : For advanced windows users.

Secondary, a few more http://www.freesmug.org/fscd/ for intel macs would
be nice.

We have if I tally correctly including what's in the box and what I have
total (target)
Ubuntu Desktop - 30 (30)
Ubuntu Alternate - 0 (5)
Xubuntu Desktop - 7 (10)
FSuite (Intel) - 4 (5)
OpenDisc - 6 (10)
OpenDiscEdu - 1 (25)
Osswin -5 (25)
FSuite (PPC) - 1(2)

We should have CD manifests(Scott Miller) and the installfest (Tony
Cratz) fliers done soon.

I'll be out of touch and not burning until Friday night, so post if you
burn any discs. You can always arrange for us to pick them up or a drop
of with Bill even if you can't make sat.


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