[vox-outreach] Valley Oak Charter School

Bill Kendrick nbs at sonic.net
Tue Dec 4 00:10:49 PST 2007

Recall that Valley Oak elementary is being closed, and teachers and
parents of students are petitioning to turn it into a charter school.
One of their goals is to become a so-called 'tech school', and when
LUGOD contacted them to see if they were interested in utilizing Linux
and open source, and whether they wanted our help, they gave us an
emphatic "yes!"

It's been quiet since, but on November 15th they formally presented the
charter to the DJUSD Board of Education.

For those interested, at 7pm this Thursday (December 6th), the
Valley Oak Charter will be discussed at the DJUSD Board of Education
meeting.  ("consideration and potential vote on the VOCS petition.")
This will take place at the Community Chambers (23 Russell Boulevard, Davis).

See: http://vocharter.org/

In the meantime, I'm curious as to who here is interested in helping this
school out, if they wanted assistance from LUGOD members?  Thanks!

bill at newbreedsoftware.com

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