[vox-outreach] DCN contact -- potential for class

Harold Lee harold at hotelling.net
Thu Oct 12 13:28:52 PDT 2006

Bill Kendrick wrote:
> It looks like someone named Jim Frame is now sending out
> Davis Community Network's (DCN's) newsletters.
>   admin at dcn.org
> looks to be the address to sent comments to, so perhaps we can spark
> the topic of a LUGOD class by contacting him?
> Harold, feel like tackling this? :)
Sure - I'll fire off an email and try to find out what's going on 
logistically. Sorry I couldn't make it to the social, my son was sick.

I imagine basically two types of classes,
- Converting power users
- Giving a test drive / taste of Linux to general computer users

Power users likely have an idea what Linux is, and want to know some 
details about architecture, shells and programming, CD/DVD ripping, 
hard-core gaming, etc. General users would probably get the most out of 
seeing that Firefox, Evolution and OpenOffice can meet many of their day 
to day needs without a steep learning curve. I like the idea of trying 
to address these needs separately, because in a mixed environment both 
groups tend to be frustrated by the questions and focus of the other group.

Both groups probably have a secondary, older system they can use to play 
with Linux, if only via a Live CD, so I see distributing some flavor of 
Linux on CD as critical to getting longer term adoption. Power users are 
much more likely to wind up attending future LUGOD events, whereas 
general users might find the demo interesting and tuck the CD away for 
months or years before finding a user for Linux in their home life.


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