[Vox-Outreach] CD Burns for WEF?

Mike Simons vox-outreach@lists.lugod.org
Mon, 28 Apr 2003 04:59:25 -0400

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On Mon, Apr 28, 2003 at 12:21:38AM -0700, Michael Wenk wrote:
> On Monday 28 April 2003 12:00 am, Bill Kendrick wrote:
> > Who's burning discs?  How many?
> However, right now I will run=20
> out of blanks at around 45 or so.  So I could conceivably do more, but wo=
> need more blanks. =20

  Fry's in the Bay Area are selling 50 disk spools of 48 speed disks
for $7 a spool (Great Quality Brand).  This and a 100 spool pack for $14
are a constantly re-occurring "sale", every few days they offer these as
a sale to fill the ad space for the last 6 months.  The problem is there=20
is always a limit one per customer, so you have to car pool to really=20
get a bunch.

  I also don't know if they are on sale at Fry's in Sac...  I would
recommend calling before you drive there.

  One minor issue is the Great Quality Brand _just today_ started
selling 52 speed media, and Fry's is selling 100 packs for $19...
I don't know how long until the old 48 speeds are sold out and until
they drop the price on the 52 speed down to normal, but I'm sure more
48 speed aren't being made.

  I have 200 disks, which are supposed to get to Bill to pass out to
people, last time I was in town I forgot to bring them.  I can bring
them to the meeting on Tuesday to pass out to people who bring burned
disks... that will give you a few more days to burn for Whole Earth
if you don't buy more by then.

      Mike Simons

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