[vox-jobs] Embedded Linux set-top box guru wanted (Bay Area)

Kramer ijplaneta4 at gmail.com
Fri Feb 10 07:48:50 PST 2006

Established consumer electronics company in the Bay Area is launching
a media server+player/pvr/home automation/telephony set-top box.  It's
an exciting product that does far more than anything currently on the
market and leverages a lot of open source technology.
We have a working prototype running on standard PC's.  We have
announced the retail product will ship this fall.  We have several
set-top boxes from Asian manufacturers that will do the job, but they
all have specialized hardware, such as MIPS or Sigma processors, and
so on.  Basically the boxes we are evaluating are equivalent to a TiVo
or Roku HD1000 or Pinnacle Media Player, and are Linux compatible, but
require someone with experience in embedded systems to port our
application over from running on a completely open PC to a semi-closed
set-top box (like TiVo).  This involves recompiling for the other
processor, optimizing the drivers and configuration so it can run on a
relatively slow CPU and still do high-def video playback smoothly, and
so on.  It will also involve hacking other STB's (like TiVo, Roku,
etc.) to see what tricks they use and how they work.

Bay area preferred, but remote contractors are welcome too.

Contact: Reply this mail with resume and cover letter.


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