[vox-jobs] Tivo is hiring... 25 open positions

Mike Simons vox-jobs@lists.lugod.org
Thu, 2 Oct 2003 01:56:17 -0400

Hi all,

I was at the SV LUG meeting tonight (Moxi talk), and was surprised 
by two things: 

- There seemed to be a fairly large "Jobs Corner" gathering this time...
- Tivo is hiring... I heard that there are about 25 openings, and I'm
  not putting the full descriptions here is a overview.  Please go to 
  the url for details and where to apply.

Also if you are interested in the "System Software" positions, I was 
talking to the hiring manager for those... I can pass along your
information directly to him if I know you.  :)

  At least the System Software positions are pretty restricted to 
Bay Area... because you will be working with a lot of new hardware
and such.  I understand that the other positions are more flexible.

    Good Luck,
      Mike Simons



Application Software

    * Software Engineer - Application Software, Job # GA001
    * Software Engineer - Performance Expert, Application Software, Job # JY001
    * Software Engineer - Multiplatform Architecture, Application Software, Job # AS001

PC/Mac Applications

    * Software Developer - PC Applications, Job # DD001

Quality Engineering

    * Software Tools Engineer ? Quality Engineering, Job # HD002, HD003
    * Q.E. Tech - Quality Engineering, Job # DE006, DE007
    * Manager ? Quality Engineering, Job # HD001
    * Q.E. Engineer, TiVoVision ? Quality Engineering, Job # DE005
    * Q.A. Engineer - Quality Engineering, Job # DE001, DE002, DE003
    * Q.A. Tech ? Quality Engineering, Job # DE006, DE007
    * Q.A. Engineer, Service ? Quality Engineering, Job # DE004

Service Software

    * Software Engineer ? Service Software Engineering, Job # BK001

System Software

    * Software Engineer - System Software, Job # MM001
    * Software Engineer ? System Software, Job # BJ002, BJ003
    * Software Engineer ? System Software, Job # MM002, MM003
    * DVD Expert ? System Software, Job # TO001
    * Manager ? System Software, Job # KLM001
    * Triage Engineer ? System Software, Job # TO005
    * Software Engineer ? System Software, Job # TO002, TO003, TO004

User Experience

    * User Researcher ? Contractor Position, Job # HK001
    * Web User Interface / Interaction Designer, Job # MSUE002
    * User Interface / Interaction Designer, Job # MSUE003