[vox-jobs] help, i'm overwhelmed. how to find a job?

Dave Peticolas vox-jobs@lists.lugod.org
29 Jun 2003 21:54:49 -0700

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On Fri, 2003-06-27 at 17:04, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
> hi all,
> i've never had a problem finding a job before.  they just seemed to come
> my way, and i always seemed to get the job of my choice.  but now i'm
> doing it for reals, and am finding the task supremely daunting.
> i'm moving to princeton, new jersey in august and i need to find a job.
> there are two problems:
> 1. there's so much i can do and am interested in that it's hard to even
>    nail down what to look for.
>    programming, administration, physics, numerical modeling,
>    mathematics, EE...  i have so many skills that it's confusing to
>    even look for jobs.
> 2. there's a deluge of "job sites".  the web seems to have an endless
>    stream of job sites.
> one thing i HAVE figured out is thank god for DSL.  this whole process
> would be impossible if i only had modem speed.  i also figured out that
> local newspapers are all but useless for our field.
> i'm asking for advice from people who are searching for jobs.  what are
> some of the websites i should be looking at?  are there any sites that
> are clearly better for people looking for tech jobs?

Having been out of long-term employment since January, my own
experience has been that pretty much all job-related websites
are nothing more than a way to get yourself more spam (resume
blasting being a common topic).

Dice.com is the best I have found for technical jobs, but 'best'
in this case isn't really all that good, although part of that
may be due to the poor job market in IT we are experiencing at
the moment.

> any other things or services i should be made aware of in online job
> hunting?

It doesn't hurt to put your resume online, as the search engines
will pick it up. I've gotten a few leads from people just looking
for professionals using Google.


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