[vox-if] RE:. Re: Next LUGOD Installfest??? (Bill Kendrick)

nighthawk999 at bigvalley.net nighthawk999 at bigvalley.net
Tue Dec 5 16:44:19 PST 2006

>. Re: Next LUGOD Installfest??? (Bill Kendrick)
Re: Next LUGOD Installfest??? 
Date: Tue, 5 Dec 2006 16:44:30 -0800
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---- Original Message ----
>> Assuming an Installfest in January what would
>> I need to do to help out=3F
> -Shorter Rankin
>Well, apparently first off: we need help advertising=2E :)
>-bill! (Kendrick)

Hey, I'm retired=2E=2E=2E So just let me know
if you want flyers distributed, or


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