[vox-if] saturday installfest babbling

Richard Burkhart vox-if@lists.lugod.org
Thu, 15 Jan 2004 18:15:36 -0800

Assuming a couple of snowballs survive in hell and I have enough cash after
bills, I might be the owner of a gently-used Dell Latitude C640 within the
next two days.

No Mike, please don't freak out -- this isn't an
ask-Mike-ten-billion-questions thing ... I can handle deb-testing installs
just fine.   ;-)   (Also - if another debian installer is needed on
Saturday, pls. let me know)

Regarding the installfest:

 - Is broadband access confirmed for Saturday?
 - Will the debian stable tree be loaded into the demo machine?  When you do
those -- do you also mirror testing and/or unstable?
 - I noticed one person asking for assistance in configuring laptop
wireless -- will someone be there who can help me puzzle through configuring
wireless cards?


Richard B.